简概:Bad Monkey "tells the story of Andrew Yancy (played by Vince Vaughn), who was fired by the Miami Police Department and is now a health inspector at Keys. But after accidentally discovering a case that began with a tourist salvaging a person's arm, he realized that if he could prove it was murder, he would come back. He just needs to avoid a group of weirdos and a bad monkey in Florida.
网友收藏最强Apple TV+ 苹果影视合集2024美国电视剧更新剧集 II. Series II英美加电视剧 一2024北美流媒周更很多恐怖片计划
Bad Monkey "tells the story of Andrew Yancy (played by Vince Vaughn), who was fired by the Miami Police Department and is now a health inspector at Keys. But after accidentally discovering a case that began with a tourist salvaging a person's arm, he realized that if he could prove it was murder, he would come back. He just needs to avoid a group of weirdos and a bad monkey in Florida.展开