虽然剧情里面说的是与FBI没有合作了,但实质是预算少了吧!从第三季一开篇就明显感觉到与第一季、第二季不同了,所有的案情发展规模都很小,转来转去只有几个人,其中只有一个解释那就是制作费缩减了。不然明明很大气的场面,怎么会变得像情景剧一般,收视压力全部放在了几个主演身上,bless us!
to understand and fully appreciate the show, u h*e to understand the culture as well. if u can't understand the english conversation, there is no way that u will like the show. chinese subtitle is only about 70-80% right and it doesn't fully express what they are trying to say.
[千谎百计 第三季]
We're in ,We're out.
I need a gun.
you need to shut up.
主角就是那个神经一样的钢琴家,Tim Roth
bank job,good collar.
Let there be lightman.
选美畸形秀freak show
Cross Megen been molested by Mr. Fletcher.
Laura Megen ,就像布莱妮父亲一样。
看了两集了,还是chapter one。
how to create a disturbed personality?
constant criticism and lack ot affection.Workds like a charm,that does.
“千谎百计 第三季”lie to me
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