What is love? And what is passion? Maybe love couldn't be an eternal thing. Passion,too.
The beginning of the unfaithful relationship has not any vicious intention, but it hurted three people finally. At the end of the movie, Connie supposed if she made a definitely different decision,their life will be changed totally. But, it is too late.
Can we refuse the lure of passion in our insipid life? If you meet real love or an attractive person or a soul mate outside of your marriage,is it a sin to accept it?
这部影片的内容是关于一对郎才女貌过了十几年的婚姻生活,还有个八岁男娃的幸福之家的故事。一天妻子在出门左拐遇到了一个小伙子,好吧,就这样玩起来了一段“you complete me”。这个片的看点不是婚外情,而是床戏不多的情色,如果真的要归纳,这个片放到情色电影里吧,出轨那点事都不是啥事了,因为到了影片的最后那个丈夫找到了小伙子,两个哥们一起探讨关于“you complete me”理解的时候已经心知肚明了。这个时候不关乎老婆出轨究竟为何了,毕竟妻子在不忠的床上到了欲望之地
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